2D Art

3D Art

Demo Reel
Welcome to my link page
Work (past, present, future?)

Hometown News - I work here currently as a Graphic Designer. I'm learning to use Quark and my

collegues recognize my artistic and Photoshop abilities.

ProfessorBootay - I've done all the cartoon based animation on this site. YEAH my first FLASH gig!

The Shot Stick - I created the animation of the group using the shotstick 2nd freelance thing WOOT

The people I know.
Jake Mcdonald - aspiring fellow 3D artist and my roommate at SCAD.We have a longer 
history then the words "former roommate" implies seeing as we first met at 
Indian River Community College.

Thomas Kim - Fellow 3D artist who used to model for Mind Control Software but now works for EA 
Redmond.This guy knows his Z-Brush! 

Chris Rosaferra - When I was in a bind and I needed a rig, I called Chris up and he was able to rig up
my three legged/armed Zoallan model.  One day I'm traveling to Dagobah to learn from him...

Jenny Chau - Don't be fooled by her size.  This girl packs a mean punch! Well at least at Smash Bros.
Fellow SCAD student and 3D artist.

Justin Stanizzi (currently down) - My friend Justin who I can only think of as "The Yankee"  His love for games can only
be topped by the love of the field.
More as they get there pages up...  
Here's a list of places I visit.
www.3d.sk - you can't beat this website for it's reference or price.
Z-Brush - My new place of learning as I slowly pick up Z-brush. 
For laughs 
PVP Online - the work of much admired Scott Kurtz 
Penny-Arcade - The Antics of Gabe and Tycho!
Homestarrunner - Probably the biggest influence for working in Flash (and my wardrobe for a period of time.)
Order of the Stick - another webcomic I catch up on from time to time. 
For downtime
Board Game Geek - A website about boardgames. No not Scrabble or Monopoly either, 
games like Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico or my new found favorite, Battlestations.
Battlestations- The Battlestations' Homepage. (BUY THE PLANET OF DR MOREAU!)
Fantasy Flight Games - Fantasy Flights' Homepage (home of Arkham Horror, Tide of Iron and Runebound)
Steve Jackson Games - Home to games like Munchkin, Chez Dork, Illuminatti and The Ugly Green Things
from Outher Space.
The Sims 2 - For the longest time I've been a huge Sims fan. I still go here and eagerly await each and every expansion!
World of Warcraft - My friends asked me to sign back up to World of Warcraft.  I miss it much so I try to keep up 
with the latest patches and releases. FOR THE HORDE!
Guild Wars - When I stopped playing World of Warcraft I still wanted to do stuff online.  I've played most of 
the first game as well as the Factions expansions.  I'm debating on Nightfall.