2D Art

3D Art

Demo Reel

This is my current Animation Demo Reel. There is no music and it features work created in Alias Maya and using traditional animation methods. There is only one format available and it's in quicktime format.

The Quicktime link is available here.

This is my 2D Demo Reel. It shows off work using traditional animation and Macromedia Flash. I am not an actionscripter by anymeans, I just love animation.

Quicktime links here. High or Medium or Low

This is a link to my Final Project from SCAD. My Professor was worried when I presented this new idea to him. With much hard work and tenacity, I put it together and had it completed in the 10 weeks of the course much to his surprise.

What I don't get is why everyone loves the sheep.

Quicktime links here. High Quality or Medium or Low

This is my 3D modeling demo reel. It featuers the work I've done using Alias Maya and Adobe Photoshop as well as some traditional artwork.

Quicktime links here. High Quality or Low Quality