2D Art
3D Art

All of my videos require Quicktime. If you don't have Quicktime, click here to get the latest version of Quicktime..

My 2nd Lip Synch Using pjlHogan Rigs Lip Synch with pjlHogan Rig
Walk Cycle using the pjlHogan Rig This was a project I did in Animation II class. I took my Ogre character and Goblin Charcater and put them in their first encounter. Created in Flash.
My Final from Animation I. It became a part of my Senior Project years later... Traditional Flour Sack animation.put together with Flipbook.
A two part animation where I had to show running and jumping. One of my favorite scenes from my final project before color was added.
This is a part of my senior project. I wanted to show that I could do parallex type scrolling in Flash. My teacher was amazed. I was more surprised at the level of detail I was able to pull of with the trees in Flash.

My traditional walk cycle with original character.