3D Art
2D Art
3D Art

This head is a result of my first attempt at UV Texturing. I've never taken a class on UV Layout so the texture map while it is based on photos I patched together going between Maya and Photoshop, doesn't use all the texture space. I'm still learning, but for my first attempt at texturing, I don't feel I did a bad job. . The head weighs in at 1398 polys not counting the eyes. Otherwise I used Spheres with the backs deleted. Not bad for my first try at just a head model. I haven't rigged this head yet and I want to.

All links are Quicktime. The link for my head video is here the wireframe video is here the link for the texture map is here and the UV Map is here.

As soon as I can I'll turn this into an flv.


This is a video of my Bullette model. The low poly version is only 1074 faces but this one is the high poly at 7000 faces! It's untextured but you can see the displacements created in Zbrush.. Base model was created in Maya

First Video is the Normal Map without the Bump Map

Reference drawing quickly created in Photoshop.


2nd Video is with the Normal Map and the Bump Map


Back in 2004 I had to learn how to use Maya. The project called for creating models and putting a brown shader on them to make them look like candy. I didn't include the shader (because even if it does look like chocolate, it looks like really weird poo) However this was one of the few models that I have from that time. So yes, this is one of the first things that I modeled in Maya.

The image to the right is the only reference material I had for the model at the time.

Another creature from the "Life is like a Bosch of Chocolate projects" Created in Maya. Like above, the only reference available was from the original Bosch image.